After creating your publication and selecting a theme, there's a few settings that can help ensure your site is named correctly, and can be crawled and identified by external services.

Publication info

The SettingsGeneral menu has a space for you to add information about your site that will show up in your theme, in the search engines, or on social media.

  • Title & description Set a name and description to be used in the theme of your site and to help people identify your site around the web.
  • Site timezone Set the timezone you want to use for scheduling and publishing posts.
  • Publication language — Set a language to automatically tell the search engines what language your content is in.

Site meta data

In the meta settings, you can add some custom metadata content for the search engines, as well as customize social media cards, and connect Facebook and Twitter accounts for richer card support.

Advanced settings

If your new publication is not yet ready for prime time, you can use private site mode with a shared password. When private site mode is on, all search engine optimization features are switched off to keep your site under the radar.

This is not secure authentication. You shouldn't rely on this feature for protecting important private data. It's just a simple, shared password for some very basic privacy.